Four Days Gone

This will be quick, but I’m calling myself out. I didn’t journal for four days and this was meant to be a 30 day challenge. I skipped the 4th-7th. I could blame it on not having anything to journal about, but that’s not true. There’s always something to write about, even if it’s just to jot down all of the random thoughts in my head. It’s also about taking the time out to sit with myself and my thoughts & allowing myself to feel. So, I shouldn’t have skipped those days. I thought it about it every day…planned to write, but then I didn’t. So here’s to coming back to it.

I will say, though, that I am proud of myself for sticking to other things. I am still eating primarily plant based and haven’t eaten meat since 5/30. I’ve also been consistently posting on @thelivingblackgirl and sharing resources for the BLM movement. So, I’m proud of myself for that.

Anyway. That’s my spiel for the day. We must hold ourselves accountable in all things — and I will continue in my efforts to do so.

Also, I wrote a food blog post today; my first regular post in almost a year. Feel free to check it out here.

With love,

Lynella ❤

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