Keep Writing

Start writing, keep writing and just maybe something will become of it in the end.

30 Days Done!

black woman, black blogger, black vegan, 30 days, 30 day challenge, healthy journey, weight loss journey, motivation

Raise your hand if you completed your challenge of eating a primarily plant based diet for 30 days? Anyone? Oh wait, that was me, I did that! For the first time in a LONG TIME, I stuck to it! I completed the task! I started on the night of 5/30 and didn’t let up. I …

You Made It Out

it’s been two years my girl and look at that, you made it out of the darkness. this picture presents full of joy, because I don’t think you know how to be any other way with the world; but I know that you were pretty sad.

Vegan Diet.

Happy Saturday beautiful people! I pray this finds you well. I just wanted to stop in and talk about my first day deciding to try a completely vegan diet — or maybe the better term would be plant based? Either way, I’m going to completely eliminate all meat and dairy products from my diet.

You Are Good

I said all of that to say that although my upbringing has influenced my beliefs, I chose and continue choosing to believe in God on my own volition. There have been times where I could have strayed away, but I didn't. Why? Because God has shown to be faithful in mine and my family's life time and time again.

Four Days Gone

This will be quick, but I'm calling myself out. I didn't journal for four days and this was meant to be a 30 day challenge. I skipped the 4th-7th. I could blame it on not having anything to journal about, but that's not true...

Bigger Than Me

There's so much more to life than what I've been living and I don't want to keep wasting it away...I'd hate to think that someone else isn't/can't live in their truth because I'm not living in mine.

Taking A Break

Apparently, though, it was affecting me on a subconscious level. Before making my last post on IG, I was sitting in my living room and I just broke down. Idk what happened, I don’t know what triggered it, but I started crying.

Will It Matter In The End?

Sure, the community marches today. They burn the buildings down. And hopefully, prayerfully, this country will wake up and and get tired of us being tired. Hopefully they respond to our outrage with proactive changes — systematic changes. Sure, social influencers and companies are vocal today. Standing in solidarity by donating funds, promoting campaigns/organizations and posting Black influencers on their pages. They will mute themselves for a week to allow other voices to be heard. But will it matter in the end?


I didn’t post anything on the blog yesterday but I think it’s because I’d already expressed myself for the day via my IG accounts. I was also fighting a terrible headache, and therefore I didn’t do much of anything else. If you already follow me on those accounts, you will have seen this feel …