30 Days Done!

black woman, black blogger, black vegan, 30 days, 30 day challenge, healthy journey, weight loss journey, motivation

Raise your hand if you completed your challenge of eating a primarily plant based diet for 30 days? Anyone? Oh wait, that was me, I did that! For the first time in a LONG TIME, I stuck to it! I completed the task! I started on the night of 5/30 and didn’t let up. I …

Vegan Diet.

Happy Saturday beautiful people! I pray this finds you well. I just wanted to stop in and talk about my first day deciding to try a completely vegan diet — or maybe the better term would be plant based? Either way, I’m going to completely eliminate all meat and dairy products from my diet.

Green Smoothie Bowl

It’s funny that people are intimidated by smoothie bowls, when they’re just that — smoothies in a bowl! All you have to do is think about your favorite smoothie from your juice/smoothie bar and make it at home, only thicker and healthier.


This. This is the food of America. We are a fast food nation, we are unhealthy, and we are dying. Well, I'm tired of being another statistic. I am 22 and overweight. I am on the road to, God forbid, diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, colon cancer, and several other health problems. …